Saturday, January 21, 2012

Salado Creek Greenway, Oakwell Trailhead, North, Very Close to Sunset

Friday, January 20, 2012

Today's photos:

I arrived at the trailhead about forty-five minutes before sunset leaving little time to walk and light for photography. About half the time I walked through the woods on a dirt trail to the west of the paved greenway trail. Sometimes that is how life goes, but then the photographs have an intensity they might not otherwise have had.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Great Blue Heron (A Belated Correction and Revision to This Post)

Corrected, revised and reposted February 17, 2012:

When I originally posted this series of photos, I incorrectly identified this magnificent bird as a 
Yellow-crowned Night Heron. It is in fact and quite obviously a Great Blue Heron.

As I state in "At the Trailhead, The Origin of 'While on a Walk'" and in the Disclaimer on my homepage, I have a great love of the outdoors, but my expertise is in photography, not ecology. I make every effort to be reasonably certain any plant or animal I identify in the blog is correct.

I got this one wrong primarily because I rushed to get the post online and didn't follow the meticulous protocol I usually follow. My thanks to the commenter who brought this error to my attention.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

On my walk yesterday, there was a great blue heron standing by the small embayment just downstream of the U.S. 90 bridge. After walking under the Mitchell Street bridge, as soon as I could see the embayment, I saw the heron standing in the vegetation on the river bank. When I would come to a spot that would give another good angle, I took a few more photos of it. (Two of the photos below were also in yesterday's post.)

This heron didn't move from where it was standing when I first saw it, but stretched its neck and raised its head as I walked closer:

The San Antonio River, Confluence Park Trailhead North to the U.S. 90 Bridge

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Today's photos:

A red-shouldered hawk greeted me on my arrival at the River today. Nothing more needs to be said.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Another View from My Window, The White-winged Dove

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I was sitting at my kitchen table this morning after finishing breakfast looking out one of the windows beside the table. I was struck by the fact that a mesquite tree in the neighbor's yard still had so many of its leaves. I noticed a fairy large bird perched in the tree, but wasn't sure what kind it was. It looked like it might be a dove, but appeared to be much too large. I got my camera so I could take a closer look through the telephoto lens. It was in fact a White-winged Dove:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Salado Creek Greenway, Lady Bird Johnson Park Trailhead, South, Cliff Side Dirt Trail

Monday, January 16, 2012

Today's photos:

While the first few photos today were taken on the paved greenway trail, the majority were taken along the dirt trail at the base of the cliff on the east side of this section of Salado Creek. There are several locations in Bexar County where one enters an entirely different realm and a transformation of consciousness occurs. This is one of them. The photos say more than I can write.