Tuesday, December 13, 2011

An Osprey Through Fog and Drizzle

Yesterday I was about halfway between the Mission Rd Trailhead and the greenway trail bridge over the San Antonio River when I saw a large bird flying downstream along the river channel toward me. Even though it was still a good distance away, I realized fairly quickly it was one of the osprey that has apparently decided to winter over along the river. It flew just a little past me, circled around, flew back upstream and disappeared out of sight.

Several minutes later, the osprey reappeared flying back downstream toward me. From the feather markings, I am fairly certain it is the same one that had flown over earlier. This time, as it came closer, it slowed down a little and watched me intently as it passed. It then resumed its original speed and flew on out of sight downstream.

One thing to keep in mind while viewing these photos is that it was foggy and drizzling. As long as I was photographing things below camera level, it wasn't a problem keeping the front of the lens dry. As soon as I raised the camera to take these photos, the front of the lens was quickly covered with tiny water droplets. I learned a long time ago that, even if I thought there was going to be a technical problem I couldn't quickly fix before taking a photo and the subject was compelling, to take the photo anyway and hope for the best. I admit I am as astounded this series came out this sharp, as I am by my interaction, once again, with this magnificent bird:

1 comment:

  1. These osprey photos are so, so gorgeous. Not only that, but I love the way you laid them out-- dynamic and understated. All of it, lovely.
