Friday, January 6, 2012

A Few More Photos of Birds Along the San Antonio River

Thursday, January 5, 2012

There is an old saying in professional photography: "Your most expensive photo is the one you didn't take." Every true-blooded photographer I know takes a lot more photos than will likely ever see the light of day. It is a compulsion. It is inconceivable not to take a photograph of something that generates a visual response. The majority of these photos, for various reasons, will likely never be published.

So, this is as good a time as any to publish a few of the photos that might not otherwise be included in a post. Here is a series of photos of birds along the San Antonio River that I haven't yet published. The first seven were taken on December 16 and the second seven on December 30:


  1. All lovely, but photo 8 blew me away.

  2. Oh, so many beautiful birds! Your photographs always astound me with their presence!
