Thursday, December 22, 2011

The San Antonio River, Museum Reach: A Lot of Flowers, A Few Birds And a Squirrel

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Today's photos:

For those not familiar with the San Antonio River, the Museum Reach is the concrete channeled, urban section of the river extending from the Park Segment downstream (south) to the Downtown Riverwalk segment. This section of the river is landscaped to enhance the tourist appeal of the area.

Once again, I needed to walk fairly close to home today, and realized I hadn't walked the Museum Reach since Friday, June 17. Given the late hour I am getting this posted, I will let the photos tell the rest of the story.


  1. Is this the squirrel eating the River lights in protest of keeping him/her up at night?

  2. There aren't as many lights on the Museum Reach as there are on the downtown Riverwalk, so it isn't much brighter at night now as it is during the rest of the year. This squirrel had the entire tree loaded with pecans all to itself and may actually appreciate the extra light so it can stay up eating them longer into the night.
