Saturday, April 16, 2016

Goldeneye and Paintbrush

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Goldeneye Phlox and Indian Paintbrush are two brightly colored wildflowers gracing our woodland meadows and open fields in the Spring:

Many people are not aware that Indian Paintbrush with their bright red-orange flowers are root hemiparasites. A hemiparasite is a plant that can do its own photosynthesis, but relies on host plants for water and other nutrients. Indian Paintbrush send out their own roots until the root touches the root of another plant, generally a grass. The indian Paintbrush roots then grow tendrils into the host plant's roots.

These photos were taken on a walk along the Geology and Water Loop trails at Phil Hardberger Park on Friday, April 8 2016.

Click on the first photo in a post to open the photos in slideshow view.

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