Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bank Full, Strong Current

Friday, May 18, 2012

Salado Creek Greenway South, Between Covington Park and J Street Park Trailheads

Today's photos:

Following the heavy rain early this week, the Salado Creek left its banks and there was minor flooding. Today it is back to bank full, but with a very strong, swift current.

This section of the Salado Creek Greenway South (pdf map link) just opened recently. The new section goes from Jack White Park, which is between Benz-Engleman Rd and I-35, south to Covington County Park. It adds about six miles to the greenway system of trails.


  1. All of these are beautiful, some are breathtaking! I need to go for a walk!

    1. Thanks, Karen. It is great weather for nature walks right now.
