Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Eastern Phoebe

Quite frequently I only get a fleeting glance at a creature before it vanishes out of sight. With these, I don't have time to raise the camera, much less get a photograph. Often enough though, one will hang around long enough for me to get one or two photos. Then there are the rarer times when one will stick around long enough for me to get a series of photos. Some of these even seem to be curious about what I am doing.

On my walk this past Monday on the Medina River Greenway, what appears to me to be an Eastern Phoebe gave me one of those rare opportunities that I cherish so much. My only hesitation in saying this is an Eastern Phoebe, even though it looks all the world to me like one, is that the Medina River Natural Area bird checklist indicates that Eastern Phoebes aren't present in the area during the summer.

But then, maybe this one didn't get the memo. As will be seen in some upcoming posts, there are birds that apparently haven't read what has been written about them.

I really have a feeling this little one was showing off for the camera from the first time it saw me until it dove to catch an insect. (They are in the flycatcher family.):


  1. Do you know Bill Thomas? He has taken so many beautiful photos of birds over the decades.

  2. Robert, No, I don't know Bill Thomas. There are several local photographers that have excellent photo collections of birds. (One is Ann Mallard. I think she was destined to do bird photography.) I have always envied their work.
